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Hasura on-the-Road!Get ship done. 🇬🇧

Hasura is an open-source tool that brings together all your data into a unified GraphQL API. It starts with an instant GraphQL API generated from your database, and extends with micro-services, REST APIs, and schema federation.

How instant? Less than 5 minutes. And it includes authorization, event-triggers, caching, and more. Come see why major brands are choosing Hasura in this whole-day, hands-on workshop.

Free Workshop: 10/28/22 at L39 in London

Frequently asked questions

What we'll learn

The topics of the workshops will vary and follow a non-linear path as we connect different parts of the stack together, but at the end of the day, these are the concepts you should come away with.

What we'll learn

Data Model

We'll begin by looking at the datamodel we intend to create, which is the critical foundation to any data-layer project, and Hasura is no different.

Event Architecture

An event-driven architecture allows us to create scaleable applications that don't require front-end overhead of polling or checking for updates, and let's us use best-of-breed tools that inform our stack of federated services when they are ready to perform the next job.


We'll be honest, if you're sleeping on low-code, you're missing out. Learn how to abstract substantial overhad from your projects to quickly launch your project. It's ok, you can always code it by hand later, if you want.

Who else uses Hasura? Rezognize some of these players?

Read here for even more case studies

After Party

HUG: London Hasura User' Group

Join us afterwords for a social gathering with the local community!

Join us for the October edition of the Hasura User Group in London! Is there a better way to end the workshop? No way!
